Let’s use editorPrompt()
to implement a minimal search feature. When the user
types a search query and presses Enter, we’ll loop through all the
rows of the file, and if a row contains their query string, we’ll move the
cursor to the match.
/*** includes ***//*** defines ***//*** data ***//*** prototypes ***//*** terminal ***//*** row operations ***//*** editor operations ***//*** file i/o ***/char *editorRowsToString(int *buflen) { … }void editorOpen(char *filename) { … }void editorSave() { … }/*** find ***/void editorFind() { char *query = editorPrompt("Search: %s (ESC to cancel)"); if (query == NULL) return; int i; for (i = 0; i < E.numrows; i++) { erow *row = &E.row[i]; char *match = strstr(row->render, query); if (match) { E.cy = i; E.cx = match - row->render; E.rowoff = E.numrows; break; } } free(query);}/*** append buffer ***//*** output ***//*** input ***//*** init ***/
comes from <string.h>
If they pressed Escape to cancel the input prompt, then
returns NULL
and we abort the search.
Otherwise, we loop through all the rows of the file. We use strstr()
to check
if query
is a substring of the current row. It returns NULL
if there is no
match, otherwise it returns a pointer to the matching substring. To convert
that into an index that we can set E.cx
to, we subtract the row->render
pointer from the match
pointer, since match
is a pointer into the
string. Lastly, we set E.rowoff
so that we are scrolled to the
very bottom of the file, which will cause editorScroll()
to scroll upwards at
the next screen refresh so that the matching line will be at the very top of
the screen. This way, the user doesn’t have to look all over their screen to
find where their cursor jumped to, and where the matching line is.
There’s one problem here. Did you notice what we just did wrong? We assigned a
index to E.cx
, but E.cx
is an index into chars
. If there are
tabs to the left of the match, the cursor is going to be in the wrong position.
We need to convert the render
index into a chars
index before assigning it
to E.cx
. Let’s create an editorRowRxToCx()
function, which is the opposite
of the editorRowCxToRx()
function we wrote in
chapter 4, but contains a lot of the
same code.
/*** includes ***//*** defines ***//*** data ***//*** prototypes ***//*** terminal ***//*** row operations ***/int editorRowCxToRx(erow *row, int cx) { … }int editorRowRxToCx(erow *row, int rx) { int cur_rx = 0; int cx; for (cx = 0; cx < row->size; cx++) { if (row->chars[cx] == '\t') cur_rx += (KILO_TAB_STOP - 1) - (cur_rx % KILO_TAB_STOP); cur_rx++; if (cur_rx > rx) return cx; } return cx;}void editorUpdateRow(erow *row) { … }void editorInsertRow(int at, char *s, size_t len) { … }void editorFreeRow(erow *row) { … }void editorDelRow(int at) { … }void editorRowInsertChar(erow *row, int at, int c) { … }void editorRowAppendString(erow *row, char *s, size_t len) { … }void editorRowDelChar(erow *row, int at) { … }/*** editor operations ***//*** file i/o ***//*** find ***//*** append buffer ***//*** output ***//*** input ***//*** init ***/
To convert an rx
into a cx
, we do pretty much the same thing when
converting the other way: loop through the chars
string, calculating the
current rx
value (cur_rx
) as we go. But instead of stopping when we hit a
particular cx
value and returning cur_rx
, we want to stop when cur_rx
hits the given rx
value and return cx
The return
statement at the very end is just in case the caller provided an
that’s out of range, which shouldn’t happen. The return
statement inside
the for
loop should handle all rx
values that are valid indexes into
Now let’s call editorRowRxToCx()
to convert the matched index to a chars
index and assign that to E.cx
/*** includes ***//*** defines ***//*** data ***//*** prototypes ***//*** terminal ***//*** row operations ***//*** editor operations ***//*** file i/o ***//*** find ***/void editorFind() { char *query = editorPrompt("Search: %s (ESC to cancel)"); if (query == NULL) return; int i; for (i = 0; i < E.numrows; i++) { erow *row = &E.row[i]; char *match = strstr(row->render, query); if (match) { E.cy = i; E.cx = editorRowRxToCx(row, match - row->render); E.rowoff = E.numrows; break; } } free(query);}/*** append buffer ***//*** output ***//*** input ***//*** init ***/
Finally, let’s map Ctrl-F to the editorFind()
function, and add it
to the help message we set in main()
/*** includes ***//*** defines ***//*** data ***//*** prototypes ***//*** terminal ***//*** row operations ***//*** editor operations ***//*** file i/o ***//*** find ***//*** append buffer ***//*** output ***//*** input ***/char *editorPrompt(char *prompt) { … }void editorMoveCursor(int key) { … }void editorProcessKeypress() { static int quit_times = KILO_QUIT_TIMES; int c = editorReadKey(); switch (c) { case '\r': editorInsertNewline(); break; case CTRL_KEY('q'): if (E.dirty && quit_times > 0) { editorSetStatusMessage("WARNING!!! File has unsaved changes. " "Press Ctrl-Q %d more times to quit.", quit_times); quit_times--; return; } write(STDOUT_FILENO, "\x1b[2J", 4); write(STDOUT_FILENO, "\x1b[H", 3); exit(0); break; case CTRL_KEY('s'): editorSave(); break; case HOME_KEY: E.cx = 0; break; case END_KEY: if (E.cy < E.numrows) E.cx = E.row[E.cy].size; break; case CTRL_KEY('f'): editorFind(); break; case BACKSPACE: case CTRL_KEY('h'): case DEL_KEY: if (c == DEL_KEY) editorMoveCursor(ARROW_RIGHT); editorDelChar(); break; case PAGE_UP: case PAGE_DOWN: { if (c == PAGE_UP) { E.cy = E.rowoff; } else if (c == PAGE_DOWN) { E.cy = E.rowoff + E.screenrows - 1; if (E.cy > E.numrows) E.cy = E.numrows; } int times = E.screenrows; while (times--) editorMoveCursor(c == PAGE_UP ? ARROW_UP : ARROW_DOWN); } break; case ARROW_UP: case ARROW_DOWN: case ARROW_LEFT: case ARROW_RIGHT: editorMoveCursor(c); break; case CTRL_KEY('l'): case '\x1b': break; default: editorInsertChar(c); break; } quit_times = KILO_QUIT_TIMES;}/*** init ***/void initEditor() { … }int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { enableRawMode(); initEditor(); if (argc >= 2) { editorOpen(argv[1]); } editorSetStatusMessage( "HELP: Ctrl-S = save | Ctrl-Q = quit | Ctrl-F = find"); while (1) { editorRefreshScreen(); editorProcessKeypress(); } return 0;}
Now, let’s make our search feature fancy. We want to support incremental search, meaning the file is searched after each keypress when the user is typing in their search query.
To implement this, we’re going to get editorPrompt()
to take a callback
function as an argument. We’ll have it call this function after each keypress,
passing the current search query inputted by the user and the last key they
/*** includes ***//*** defines ***//*** data ***//*** prototypes ***/void editorSetStatusMessage(const char *fmt, ...);void editorRefreshScreen();char *editorPrompt(char *prompt, void (*callback)(char *, int));/*** terminal ***//*** row operations ***//*** editor operations ***//*** file i/o ***//*** find ***//*** append buffer ***//*** output ***//*** input ***/char *editorPrompt(char *prompt, void (*callback)(char *, int)) { size_t bufsize = 128; char *buf = malloc(bufsize); size_t buflen = 0; buf[0] = '\0'; while (1) { editorSetStatusMessage(prompt, buf); editorRefreshScreen(); int c = editorReadKey(); if (c == DEL_KEY || c == CTRL_KEY('h') || c == BACKSPACE) { if (buflen != 0) buf[--buflen] = '\0'; } else if (c == '\x1b') { editorSetStatusMessage(""); if (callback) callback(buf, c); free(buf); return NULL; } else if (c == '\r') { if (buflen != 0) { editorSetStatusMessage(""); if (callback) callback(buf, c); return buf; } } else if (!iscntrl(c) && c < 128) { if (buflen == bufsize - 1) { bufsize *= 2; buf = realloc(buf, bufsize); } buf[buflen++] = c; buf[buflen] = '\0'; } if (callback) callback(buf, c); }}void editorMoveCursor(int key) { … }void editorProcessKeypress() { … }/*** init ***/
The if
statements allow the caller to pass NULL
for the callback, in case
they don’t want to use a callback. This is the case when we prompt the user
for a filename, so let’s pass NULL
to editorPrompt()
when we do that. We’ll
also pass NULL
to editorPrompt()
in editorFind()
for now, to get the code
to compile.
/*** includes ***//*** defines ***//*** data ***//*** prototypes ***//*** terminal ***//*** row operations ***//*** editor operations ***//*** file i/o ***/char *editorRowsToString(int *buflen) { … }void editorOpen(char *filename) { … }void editorSave() { if (E.filename == NULL) { E.filename = editorPrompt("Save as: %s (ESC to cancel)", NULL); if (E.filename == NULL) { editorSetStatusMessage("Save aborted"); return; } } int len; char *buf = editorRowsToString(&len); int fd = open(E.filename, O_RDWR | O_CREAT, 0644); if (fd != -1) { if (ftruncate(fd, len) != -1) { if (write(fd, buf, len) == len) { close(fd); free(buf); E.dirty = 0; editorSetStatusMessage("%d bytes written to disk", len); return; } } close(fd); } free(buf); editorSetStatusMessage("Can't save! I/O error: %s", strerror(errno));}/*** find ***/void editorFind() { char *query = editorPrompt("Search: %s (ESC to cancel)", NULL); if (query == NULL) return; int i; for (i = 0; i < E.numrows; i++) { erow *row = &E.row[i]; char *match = strstr(row->render, query); if (match) { E.cy = i; E.cx = editorRowRxToCx(row, match - row->render); E.rowoff = E.numrows; break; } } free(query);}/*** append buffer ***//*** output ***//*** input ***//*** init ***/
Now let’s move the actual searching code from editorFind()
into a function
called editorFindCallback()
. Obviously this will be our callback function for
/*** includes ***//*** defines ***//*** data ***//*** prototypes ***//*** terminal ***//*** row operations ***//*** editor operations ***//*** file i/o ***//*** find ***/void editorFindCallback(char *query, int key) { if (key == '\r' || key == '\x1b') { return; } int i; for (i = 0; i < E.numrows; i++) { erow *row = &E.row[i]; char *match = strstr(row->render, query); if (match) { E.cy = i; E.cx = editorRowRxToCx(row, match - row->render); E.rowoff = E.numrows; break; } }}void editorFind() { char *query = editorPrompt("Search: %s (ESC to cancel)", editorFindCallback); if (query) { free(query); }}/*** append buffer ***//*** output ***//*** input ***//*** init ***/
In the callback, we check if the user pressed Enter or
Escape, in which case they are leaving search mode so we return
immediately instead of doing another search. Otherwise, after any other
keypress, we do another search for the current query
That’s all there is to it. We now have incremental search.
When the user presses Escape to cancel a search, we want the cursor to go back to where it was when they started the search. To do that, we’ll have to save their cursor position and scroll position, and restore those values after the search is cancelled.
/*** includes ***//*** defines ***//*** data ***//*** prototypes ***//*** terminal ***//*** row operations ***//*** editor operations ***//*** file i/o ***//*** find ***/void editorFindCallback(char *query, int key) { … }void editorFind() { int saved_cx = E.cx; int saved_cy = E.cy; int saved_coloff = E.coloff; int saved_rowoff = E.rowoff; char *query = editorPrompt("Search: %s (ESC to cancel)", editorFindCallback); if (query) { free(query); } else { E.cx = saved_cx; E.cy = saved_cy; E.coloff = saved_coloff; E.rowoff = saved_rowoff; }}/*** append buffer ***//*** output ***//*** input ***//*** init ***/
If query
, that means they pressed Escape, so in that
case we restore the values we saved.
The last feature we’d like to add is to allow the user to advance to the next or previous match in the file using the arrow keys. The ↑ and ← keys will go to the previous match, and the ↓ and → keys will go to the next match.
We’ll implement this feature using two static variables in our callback.
will contain the index of the row that the last match was on, or
if there was no last match. And direction
will store the direction of
the search: 1
for searching forward, and -1
for searching backward.
/*** includes ***//*** defines ***//*** data ***//*** prototypes ***//*** terminal ***//*** row operations ***//*** editor operations ***//*** file i/o ***//*** find ***/void editorFindCallback(char *query, int key) { static int last_match = -1; static int direction = 1; if (key == '\r' || key == '\x1b') { last_match = -1; direction = 1; return; } else if (key == ARROW_RIGHT || key == ARROW_DOWN) { direction = 1; } else if (key == ARROW_LEFT || key == ARROW_UP) { direction = -1; } else { last_match = -1; direction = 1; } int i; for (i = 0; i < E.numrows; i++) { erow *row = &E.row[i]; char *match = strstr(row->render, query); if (match) { E.cy = i; E.cx = editorRowRxToCx(row, match - row->render); E.rowoff = E.numrows; break; } }}void editorFind() { … }/*** append buffer ***//*** output ***//*** input ***//*** init ***/
As you can see, we always reset last_match
to -1
unless an arrow key was
pressed. So we’ll only advance to the next or previous match when an arrow key
is pressed. You can also see that we always set direction
to 1
unless the
← or ↑ key was pressed. So we always search in
the forward direction unless the user specifically asks to search backwards
from the last match.
If key
is '\r'
(Enter) or '\x1b'
(Escape), that
means we’re about to leave search mode. So we reset last_match
to their initial values to get ready for the next search operation.
Now that we have those variables all set up, let’s put them to use.
/*** includes ***//*** defines ***//*** data ***//*** prototypes ***//*** terminal ***//*** row operations ***//*** editor operations ***//*** file i/o ***//*** find ***/void editorFindCallback(char *query, int key) { static int last_match = -1; static int direction = 1; if (key == '\r' || key == '\x1b') { last_match = -1; direction = 1; return; } else if (key == ARROW_RIGHT || key == ARROW_DOWN) { direction = 1; } else if (key == ARROW_LEFT || key == ARROW_UP) { direction = -1; } else { last_match = -1; direction = 1; } if (last_match == -1) direction = 1; int current = last_match; int i; for (i = 0; i < E.numrows; i++) { current += direction; if (current == -1) current = E.numrows - 1; else if (current == E.numrows) current = 0; erow *row = &E.row[current]; char *match = strstr(row->render, query); if (match) { last_match = current; E.cy = current; E.cx = editorRowRxToCx(row, match - row->render); E.rowoff = E.numrows; break; } }}void editorFind() { … }/*** append buffer ***//*** output ***//*** input ***//*** init ***/
is the index of the current row we are searching. If there was a last
match, it starts on the line after (or before, if we’re searching backwards).
If there wasn’t a last match, it starts at the top of the file and searches in
the forward direction to find the first match.
The if ... else if
causes current
to go from the end of the file back to
the beginning of the file, or vice versa, to allow a search to “wrap around”
the end of a file and continue from the top (or bottom).
When we find a match, we set last_match
to current
, so that if the user
presses the arrow keys, we’ll start the next search from that point.
Finally, let’s not forget to update the prompt text to let the user know they can use the arrow keys.
/*** includes ***//*** defines ***//*** data ***//*** prototypes ***//*** terminal ***//*** row operations ***//*** editor operations ***//*** file i/o ***//*** find ***/void editorFindCallback(char *query, int key) { … }void editorFind() { int saved_cx = E.cx; int saved_cy = E.cy; int saved_coloff = E.coloff; int saved_rowoff = E.rowoff; char *query = editorPrompt("Search: %s (Use ESC/Arrows/Enter)", editorFindCallback); if (query) { free(query); } else { E.cx = saved_cx; E.cy = saved_cy; E.coloff = saved_coloff; E.rowoff = saved_rowoff; }}/*** append buffer ***//*** output ***//*** input ***//*** init ***/
In the next chapter, we’ll implement syntax highlighting and filetype detection, to complete our text editor.