hoodwink.d enhanced


Method Check: defined? #

by why in inspect

How would it be if, today, I blew you away with a Ruby keyword, huh? At any rate, I’ve decided to. Ga-shoom! (The wizard descends.)

So, defined? actually isn’t a method, as I normally uncover in a chilling episde of Method Check. But it does look like one, so no one will blame you if you’ve nailed it as a method in days of yore, what with the question mark and all. And you can dress it like a method, because Ruby’s parser allows its argument to be surrounded with parens.

 >> x = 1     
 => 1
 >> defined? x
 => "local-variable" 
 >> defined?( y )
 => nil

At heart, the defined? keyword is something of a hack, a rather rare anomaly in Ruby’s syntax. Since an undefined variable is a perfectly legal argument, the defined? keyword couldn’t be implemented as a method. Which means that this keyword is left out of Ri documentation. The Pickaxe groups it with operators. So, it often gets overlooked.

From eval.c, here’s a list of possible returns from defined?:

“expression”, “super”, “assignment”, “method”, “yield”, “self”, “nil”, “true”, “false”, “assignment”, “local-variable”, “local-variable(in-block)”, “global-variable”, “instance-variable”, “constant”, “class variable” and a few other assorted keywords and global variables (such as “$'“).

As it happens, defined? takes its argument and simply queries the symbol table to see if it is defined. If it is, you get a simple string of identification (as listed above.)

However, the Ruby parser handles the parens variation of defined? a bit differently. Simply because it allows for complex expressions to be evaluated. But this makes for madly syruprous mayhem!

Everything contained in the parens is parsed, a node tree is built, and all nodes are scanned for the validity of their “definition” within Ruby.

 >> defined?( class << String; def n; 18; end; end )
 => "expression" 
 >> String.n
 => 18
 >> defined?( class << NonExistent; def n; 18; end; end )
 => nil

Check that out. The first call to defined? parses the code, establishes that its a valid expression, then executes the code and returns "expression". The second call parses the code, finds an undefined class name of NonExistent and returns nil—meaning “undefined”.

So, defined? is a great way to perform some parser sanity without triggering a myriad of exceptions. My one gripe with defined? is that it will throw a SyntaxError if the expression in the parens is malformed. But, wouldn’t it be cool if that could be sniffed out as well??

Now, go. Play with it. I’ll bet you can come up with some crazy recipes.

said on 29 Dec 2004 at 18:41
and a few other assorted keywords and global variables (such as "$'").
So where do I find a complete list of those? :)
said on 29 Dec 2004 at 18:41
Oh, and a preview button for the comment form would be wonderful.
said on 31 Dec 2004 at 12:21
So where do I find a complete list of those? :)
In the eval.c source in the function is_defined. ++ about the preview feature
said on 31 Dec 2004 at 16:35
said on 25 Aug 2005 at 21:20

Actually this is pretty silly. It ought to be a real method and take a string argument which it then “psuedo-evals”. As is there is no way to use this when meta_programming, ie. dynamically creating methods. That stinks.

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