Shoes, Clock & Dictionary
The Shoes mailing list has been hoppin with little apps lately. Some breakout and tetris clones are taking shape. MenTaLguY’s crafting some kind of an adventure game. And Thomas Bell has been writing some nice little widgets like the Shoes clock (now included with Shoes as samples/clock.rb.)
Here’s little fragment from the most recent source code which controls the colors and the font styles in the clock banner across the top:
stack do
background black
para @time.strftime("%a"),
span(@time.strftime(" %b %d, %Y "), :stroke => "#ccc"),
strong(@time.strftime("%I:%M"), :stroke => white),
@time.strftime(".%S"), :align => "center", :stroke => "#666"
This may look a bit like Markaby, but it doesn’t translate into HTML. Shoes has its own span
and strong
and para
elements, which are based on the HTML elements. And, similar to HTML, these elements are just aliases for certain styles.
From shoes/app.c (shoes_app_reset_style):
STYLE(cCode, family, monospace);
STYLE(cDel, strikethrough, single);
STYLE(cEm, emphasis, italic);
STYLE(cIns, underline, single);
STYLE(cLink, underline, single);
STYLE(cLink, stroke, #06E);
STYLE(cLinkHover, underline, single);
STYLE(cLinkHover, stroke, #039);
STYLE(cLinkHover, fill, #EEE);
STYLE(cStrong, weight, bold);
STYLE(cSup, rise, 10);
STYLE(cSup, size, x-small);
STYLE(cSub, rise, -10);
STYLE(cSub, size, x-small);
Within the Shoes source code, the STYLE
macro simply adds a style setting to a text class.
The samples/definr.rb
is an example of a threaded Shoes app. When you hit Go, the HTTP call to is made in the background.
This example is trivial enough that I can inline the source:
require 'open-uri' :title => "Dictionary, powered by Definr" do
stack do
background red, :height => 60
flow :margin => 20 do
caption "Define: ", :stroke => white
@lookup = edit_line
button "Go" do
Thread.start do
doc = open(URI("{@lookup.text}")).read.
gsub(' ', ' ').
gsub(%r!\(http://.+?\)!, '').strip
title, doc = doc.split(/\n+/, 2)
@deft.replace title
@defn.replace doc
stack :margin => 20 do
@deft = subtitle "", :margin => 10
@defn = para ""
No work has been done to convert HTML into Shoes objects, so this sort of primitive gsub
chaining is pretty common.
Beyond making HTML nice, I think we’ll also need to think hard about how threads and asynchronous stuff should be handled. It’d be nice if we could give them the basic stuff without throwing them to the concurrency wolves.
(even the above example has technical problems)
For instance: with a little network lag and impatient fingers, you could end up with definition requests in flight for two different words, ending up with things interleaved like:
David Parker
Great stuff; I’ve been playing around with Shoes as well, though sadly nothing quite as interesting as above. Keep up the good work!
I really like how Shoes has us all acting again as though we just got our very first Commodore 64.
The definr is a great app and really shows the beauty and simplicity of shoes. It also shows that it’s a nice framework for building REST-clients in no time.
I will never leave my house without shoes from now on…
Thanks Why!
Hi, the clock is not working for me–r331, on Ubuntu Gutsy.
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