sneaking Ruby through the system
So, how do Tada and Basecamp do dynamic virtual hosts to give each user their own subdomain?
Twelve dollar kit from The Red Hat Society.
If you have been participating in the Rails mailing list, then you’re helping to author this
Ryan Davis says ruby2c is mere hours away. His goal has been to translate the entire Ruby stdlib.
I know you guys can’t get enough of this Rails thing. It’s teh pop0lar href!!
Fzort on Advogato has a lovely little collection of C magic tricks and puzzles.
Forget Kapsules.
Some debian developers discussed the split of Ruby standard libraries and gave a proposal to add two
A couple of weeks ago, Curt Hibbs brought up Kapsules, desktop widgets for Windows, which can be
Story goes: someone at Amazon DevCon asked Python creator Guido about Ruby.
With all the ta-da over the Rails tutorial at ONLamp, I thought I’d interview a pertinent
We’re all so protective over our little jewel.
It’s tragic that this sat in my inbox so long.
Last week was big.
Robert Klemme used this inject on the Ruby-Talk list today to emulate Hash#values behavior:
Allo, friends. Great news. The new Syck is buildable. Yes, it has some problems.
We’ve got Ruby 1.8.2. Then we want to know changes from 1.8.1 to 1.8.2, don’t we?
From Matz blog
Glossy 16” x 20” taxonomy of Ruby’s builtin classes and methods.
I’m not going to avoid getting cosmic today.
Well, RedHanded was a month old.. err, a couple days ago. It’s just kinda wierd.
Can’t remember where I saw this.
A couple days ago, the topic was RubyMail. Dan Berger’s question was: how to do attachments.
I recently got my hands on a copy of Hal Fulton’s The Ruby Way, published in 2002 by Sams
Got some mails from you folks wanting to report the feature story at O’Reilly’s ONLamp.
Developers Summit 2005, called DevSumi, will be held at Feb 3-4 by Shoei-Sha1, which is a software
When it comes to e-mail manipulation, RubyMail has always been my answer.
ple who shares a passionate love for the Ruby language (and its messenger RedHanded-dot-Hobix-dot-com)
It’s great to hear that Google has started a simple solidarity against web spam.
Ruby is becoming the language for conversion of idea-to-task, for recording and processing notes.
On Ruby-Talk, there’s been some discussion about working on a simple, friendly Ruby portal for
Here we are again with another new staff interview.
If you just joined us, we’re fawning over Tanaka-san’s code lately.
Last Saturday, Tokyo Rubyists held a new year party after a private seminar once a month where they
I guess things are really happening around here.
Among the various news aggregation portals (Bloglines, Artima, etc.)
On his journal, Matz has illustrated some differences between Ruby classes and Python classes,
I know a lot of you are coming over from PHP. Well, you know what you can do for us?
I have huge aspirations for each of you. Only I see who you really could be.
Oh, one other bit from Tanaka-san: valgrind-ruby.
Well within your codefest budget and absolutely perfect if you have assimilated a motley band of five.
I can hardly see anything else right now.
People love codefests. Many things change over time, but a few things are always the same.
But none of you are allow to say you love Ruby until you solve the maze.
I’m shocked and honoured and, frankly, thrilled to see what will be showing up in eban’s
If, by now, you still haven’t submitted a codefest proposal, then you are obviously just
Red knit sweater with not only giant white intarsia ducks, but glossy pearly duck buttons as well.
Oh, here’s a very bad habit for me to start.
Hey, imagine if you could do this with your wiki: Create new RecentChanges-style pages with custom
With air travel prices recently dropping in the U.S.
Sasada Koichi just released his first proper version of his Ruby bytecode compiler and virtual
Time for a snaky Python link as a peace offering today. Saw this on Matz’ blog.
Gorou’s 2nd Life is a blog from Ruby’s homeland (.jp)
This week’s Ruby Quiz (a capital effort by JEGII) was solved in less than 300 bytes.
Each day this week I’m going to be pitching some ideas for Ruby codefests.
Gosh, guys. More people gettin railz0r3d.
Yeah, so, I really appreciate the support Bruce Eckel has shown this last year.
nt to echo the concern he has for you TextMate users who can’t relate to the current robot icon.
Two array-related behaviors that took me off-guard this week.
y Armin Roehrl, quite a number feature the patented Brief Brilliance of Matz, some going back to 1999.
When asked about the future of Unicode in Ruby 1.9/2.
I’m bent on accessorizing you folks. Out there. All you good folks who come here all the time.
Amid a discussion on the list about XML v. YAML (hope they declare a winner!)
Huh, wordpress-to-hobix.rb just got here. It’s got a lever!!
Howard Lewis Ship, the father of the Jakarta Tapestry and Hivemind frameworks, was given a PickAxe II
Is this really a food photo blog by NaHi??
Okay, focus. We’re lookin for more real-world tutorials, remember?
Just noticed RCR 290 —Add warning for misspellings of ‘initialize’—which
Windozers, give ear.
Look, two podcasting utilities on Rubyforge already: podcatcher and rpodder. This is a glad omen.
See, this is what’s best, people. Rosy and bejeweled trackballs from Japan.
Coming off of the most shudderingly epochal year in Ruby’s history, don’t you feel like
I can’t truthfully say what level of coder I am.
I know this is a dead simple library, but I’ve been wanting this forever and just not getting