The Least Surprised #5: The Metadependant, Part Two (11 words)
Derby: DRb Over YAML (91 words)
Here’s Derby:
Poles Race to Claim Nonce Words (128 words)
A search engine optimization site is challenging Polish readers to claim the phrase MSNBETTER -
Ruby-Lisp Hybrid Pix (109 words)
Wild, here’s another shot of that envisioning of Ruby in the parenthetical, posted by Slyphon -
Block Terminator (198 words)
This entry is loose translation of matz blog 2005-06-07 .
RubyVM Just Months Away (217 words)
Ko1 is (firmly) back in the saddle. -
Floppyhedron (85 words)
I love this delicious reuse of 3.5” diskettes as facets! The sculptor, George W.
The Fully Upturned Bin (126 words)
I have something for you.
Wow, Do We All Get a Language? (262 words)
We’re all having a lot of fun this year making lovely hybrid languages from Ruby syntax, be it
PNG Dimensions in a Lilliputian Angel's Eyelash (47 words)
Phantasms of pingspark conjoured by Sam Stephenson: -
Web Ontologies on an Angel's Eyelash (101 words)
Whoa, Obie Fernandez dropped a potent little bouillon cube on his blog:
Closing in on Unicode with Jcode (217 words)
Patrick Hall has a great article on using the Jcode module for Ruby, which provides a more natural
What Say We Help Prototype Explain Itself? (349 words)
Linkerkind is once again swarming around the Ajax+Rails article just up today, but are you aware of -
The Serial Article Of Matz On Nikkei Linux July 2005 (89 words)
Matz’s third article for programming beginners with eight pages was published
The Least Surprised #4: Ruby-Talk Goes On and On (12 words)
MathCloth (255 words)
scarves from an exhibit in Georgia this year, individuals working to unite math and the fibrous arts.
How Powerful Pathname Is (188 words)
How powerful Pathname is! Unfortunately I did not know.
Sasada-san started to write blog in English (74 words)
Sasada-san, one of the Magi in Ruby world, started to write a part of his blog entries in English -
Debian Sarge Has Been Released (40 words)
Debian GNU/Linux 3.
Dan Sugalski Flies Away To a Place Where Parrot Cannot (192 words)
Nearly four five years into development of Parrot, its creator, Dan Sugalski, has left the team
Cut It Out (30 words)
Come on, seriously! It’s Rails Day. Quit surfing the web and get back to your app.
Holy Red Snakes! (Cont'd.) (151 words)
As previously reported, Python’s Enhancement #340 pitches the addition of anonymous block
Ruby Morse.mid Maker (101 words)
Dan Berger just dropped a link to a pile of random Ruby scripts. -
Keep in Mind the Morse Code Revival (140 words)
I guess the Morse v. SMS wars are escalating! Screenshot to your left (my right)
Digging Deep with Instance_eval (129 words)
I feel like instance_eval deserves a friendlier name. -
Rails BetaBook Hits the Spot (500 words)
Now that I’ve had a chance to go through the Rails BetaBook, I thought some of you might want a