What Will OSCON Hear? (141 words)
OSCON is next week and my helpers are busy assembling the last of the puppets and cartoons.
Block and Lambda (474 words)
This entry is a loose summary of Matz blog : -
Lambda is a $SAFEcracker (60 words)
MenTaL sends this one in:
Windows Ruby? (100 words)
Tom’s Hardware is reporting that Microsoft registered a handful of domain names along with its -
YAML's Merge Key (141 words)
Some of you might find YAML’s merge key convenient, especially in your database.
WEBrick+WebDAV Handler Safely Extracted From the Wild (203 words)
Adrian Madrid originally found this Ruby app called Sarada and posted it to del.icio.us.
Everybody Loves Eric Raymond (132 words)
I really love how John Leach is openly mining Eric Raymond’s blog for material.
I'm a Sucker for Quadsclamation!!!! (224 words)
I also LOVE trolls. I really do. I loved Ilias. -
Ruby is Just Plain Evolution (163 words)
Rick Nooner has dumped a bunch of thoughts on using Ruby in his distributed software and he makes a -
A Webmonkey Guy Thinks I Should Write for Webmonkey (349 words)
Yeah, okay, here’s a good one. Nice try, Terminator II with the Dracula collar. -
RubyistMagazineVol8 (218 words)
Rubyist Magazine vol.8 (a Japanese web magazine) has been published.
The Least Surprised #6: Rubeautiful (8 words)
Simpler Ways (65 words)
1. Less explicit to_s.
User-Defined Literals in Sydney (177 words)
Evan’s just released another Sydney while the Ruby-Core list is alive with bug reports and
Syndey, the New People's Choice Ruby (258 words)
Evan Webb has done this neat thing where he’s branched Ruby 1.
Ruby 1.8 XMLRPC Server Arbitrary Command Execution (222 words)
A vulnerability was found.
Stuffing Your Hand Down the Disposal (439 words)
Since we have our heads tilted in the direction of ruby+gc, Eustáquio “TaQ” Rangel
Akira Tanaka, Koichi Sasada at RubyConf 2005 (87 words)
Hey, great. The RubyConf 2005 agenda is up. The most honorable A. -
Hyperextended (217 words)
As you well know, mixins only copy plain instance methods into the target class.
Highlights Thus Far (Jan-Jun 2005) (256 words)
RedHanded has been around since December, maybe you’ve missed a couple of the great discoveries