Ruby Basecamp RSS (39 words)
Since the Basecamp guest account for Ruby Development is prompting for authentication, I’ve -
5.gets NobuyoshiNakada (298 words)
I’m honored to give you a brief exchange with Nobu Nakada, a Ruby committer since 1999 who has
Here is MouseHole 1.2 (254 words)
Here, you remember MouseHole. We all came up with it on this thread. -
Decisions and the Reasons For (162 words)
ut pleasurable tryst with Ruby, I believe I have found true love in the dialect of Lisp called Scheme.
Eyelashes Found on CNN.com (102 words)
Winking slows down over the weekends, but the addition of sites certainly does not. -
You've Dazzled Us, Now Here is Your Cozy Chair (167 words)
So, if you’ve purchased anything from ThinkGeek lately, you might have taken their outgoing
Ruby 1.8.3 Has Been Released (236 words)
Ruby 1.8.3 has been released. Thank you for the developers and users.
Wiki Shell Scripting for MouseHole (291 words)
A wiki. That stores scripts. Run them from the URL. You have a personal Yubnub.
RailsFS After a Couple Minutes of Tooling With Fuse, Whoa (383 words)
Hot cats, I’m already in love with FuseFS.
Ruby 1.8.3 Preview Two (115 words)
Matz is plowing toward the 1.8.3 release.
Caught in My Filters: Poignant PDF, Korean (88 words)
While cleaning my pending messages today for one of the poignant lists, an incredible thing lept out -
The Science Which Tom Uses to Bother Us (93 words)
And he needs to bother us. Because our Rubyforge mailing lists are full of pending messages. -
Churning Ruby into EXE (282 words)
I’m greatly impressed with RubyScript2Exe by Erik Veenstra, which wraps your Ruby script and
The Least Surprised #8: With Sprinkles and Chinese Sundaes All Over (30 words)
Aggh. Stupid day. My venue in San Diego fell through. No RubyConf.
You Can't Catch the Wink'd, Under the Crust They've Seep'd (44 words)
Goodbye, everyone. We’re self-sufficient now. -
Ruby Committers Now on Basecamp (69 words)
I just got a bugfix assignment from Matz via Basecamp. Looks like all of cvs-admin is moving there. -
Where is the Public Ruby Wikiware? (133 words)
I wasted way too much time setting up the MouseHole wiki last week.
Petty Theft from Python (142 words)
Lucas Carlson has lifted a few method ideas from Python: starts_with? and ends_withs?, as well as in?. -
Solidarity (Wink Wink) (85 words)
We’ve decorated a corner.
Just a Few MouseHole Tips (187 words)
If you’re hesistant to use mouseHole since you think you’ll need to commit to using a
MouseHole 1.1 in Plain View (304 words)
Okay, MouseHole 1.1 is ready for you.
Funked Out Java+Ruby Aggregator (148 words)
Tim Bray. What a newb.