Balloon (90 words)
Create new scripts from the home page.
Fox Preying on Bacon in Glasgow? Curious! (80 words)
A red fox eating bacon? Spotted by Gavin Montague in Scotland. AND THERE IS AN ONION.
Try Ruby in Second Life (94 words)
Oh, here we go. Teach your avatar Ruby and double the population of Rubyists at once.
Counting At The Cloak 'N' Bind (342 words)
So Method#to_proc is basically totally bankrupt.
Really? So Few? (61 words)
D. A. Black is concerned. Not enough RubyConf proposals. And yet, anyone can. -
Go DHH Yourself (567 words)
This weekend was RailsConf 2006. So many earnest talks, so much going on.
Here's Ruby 1.8.5 Preview 1 (157 words)
Hear this: Ruby 1.8.5-preview1 is out.
Speeding Up Builder 2.0 (206 words)
This week I’m trying to break the skids off of Markaby.
I'm Trying To Understand This Formation (38 words)
Is it Object -> (Object) / Module -> (Module) / Class -> (Class)? -
A Few Wmii-3 Hacks (637 words)
ybe even more so amongst Rubyists, which would often kill for a Mac — their third or fourth one)
Nearing RubyGems 0.9.0 (79 words)
Hobbyists and testers, come on:
Symbol#to_proc Exonerated (167 words)
I guess RubyKaigi2006 is proving to be a nice hackathon, cause Ruby CVS is suddenly checkins aplenty. -
Day One of RubyKaigi2006 (471 words)
are proud to report RubyKaigi20061 at Tokyo, which is the first conference dedicated to Ruby in Japan.
Will The Real Tim Toady Please Stand Up Already?? (47 words)
Frederick Lundh on this Google-sponsored Python lib:
Mosquito & Decamp (70 words)
Mosquito, a little testing setup for Camping.