hoodwink.d enhanced


Holy Great CGI In Heaven! #

by why in bits

I know this is a dead simple library, but I’ve been wanting this forever and just not getting around to it. Tanaka Akira presents webapp, a generic interface for writing server-neutral CGIs. Supports CGI, FastCGI,i WEBrick, mod_ruby and command-line interface. This goes in Hobix.

 require 'webapp'

 WebApp do |webapp|
   webapp.puts <<_END_
     current time: #{Time.now}
     pid: #{$$}
     self: #{self.inspect}

     request_method: #{webapp.request_method}
     server_name: #{webapp.server_name}
     server_port: #{webapp.server_port}
     script_name: #{webapp.script_name}
     path_info: #{webapp.path_info}
     query_string: #{webapp.query_string}
     server_protocol: #{webapp.server_protocol}
     remote_addr: #{webapp.remote_addr}
     content_type: #{webapp.content_type}

     --- request headers ---
   webapp.each_request_header do |k, v|
     webapp.puts "#{k}: #{v}" 

If you’re wondering why the documentation is so sparse, it’s because of all the delegators used in the WebApp class.

 extend Forwardable
 def_delegators :@response_body, :<<, 
   :print, :printf, :putc, :puts, :write

 def_delegator :@request_header, :each, :each_request_header
 def_delegator :@request_header, :[], :get_request_header

 def_delegator :@request, :request_method, :request_method
 def_delegator :@request, :server_name, :server_name
 def_delegator :@request, :server_port, :server_port
 def_delegator :@request, :script_name, :script_name
 def_delegator :@request, :path_info, :path_info
 def_delegator :@request, :query_string, :query_string
 def_delegator :@request, :server_protocol, :server_protocol
 def_delegator :@request, :remote_addr, :remote_addr
 def_delegator :@request, :content_type, :request_content_type

 def_delegator :@response_header, :set, :set_header
 def_delegator :@response_header, :add, :add_header
 def_delegator :@response_header, :remove, :remove_header
 def_delegator :@response_header, :clear, :clear_header
 def_delegator :@response_header, :has?, :has_header?
 def_delegator :@response_header, :[], :get_header
 def_delegator :@response_header, :each, :each_header

WebApp doesn’t require the CGI module, so be sure to require it yourself if you need the encoding methods and such. (via del.icio.us)

said on 03 Jan 2005 at 11:28

(narf has the encoding methods from cgi…)

said on 18 Jan 2005 at 06:30

Missing htree? Download

said on 18 Jan 2005 at 06:43

Anyone got this running on Windows? I’m having ‘issues’ with iconv!

said on 05 Feb 2005 at 17:35

Ok, so I shouldn’t have tried this on Windows…

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