Catapult Wiki Exoskeleton #
Here’s a fun library that’s gone under the radar. Catapult lets you serve objects over HTTP using over-the-counter WEBrick. Your object simply needs two methods:
run( path_info_string ) -> response string content_type() -> HTTP content type string
For example, here’s a Wiki which uses Catapult and stores its pages in a single Textile+YAML document. It’s all gluey! If you’re hankering for a custom Wiki, it’s a good start.
require 'cgi' require 'redcloth' require 'yaml/store' class Wiki def initialize @hp = "HomePage" @c ='html4') @wiki ='wiki.yml') end def content_type; "text/html"; end def run( path_info ) @v = path_info.gsub!( /\?(.+)\Z/m, '' ) ? CGI::parse( $1 ) : {} action, path = path_info.split( '/', 2 ) @wiki.transaction do title, body = method( action ).call( path.to_s ) @c.html { @c.head { @c.title { title } } + @c.body { body } } end end # Wiki actions: 'show' and 'edit' def show( p ) p = @hp if p.empty? body = @c.h1 { p } body += @c.a(@hp) { @hp } unless p == @hp body += if @wiki[p] @wiki[p] ).to_html. gsub(/([A-Z]\w+){2}/){ @c.a($&){$&} } + @c.a("../edit/#{p}") { "Edit" } else @c.p { "No page #{ p }. " + @c.a("../edit/#{p}") { "Create?" } } end [p, body] end def edit( p ) @wiki[p] = @v['c'].to_s if @v['c'] title = "Editing " + p body = @c.h1 { title } + @c.a("../show/#{ p }" ) { "Show" } + @c.form("post") { @c.textarea('c') { @wiki[p] } + @c.submit } [title, body] end end
To run the Wiki, put it in a directory with catapult.rb
. Then, run: ruby -rwiki catapult.rb 2005
Access the wiki at http://host:2005/wiki/show
Turns out the Rubyforge site is the new home. That means it’s better. Truly, truly, use it duly.
Very cool.
James Britt
Hey Why, thanks for the kind words. Catapult might be my favorite Ruby app because it does so little. I use it all the time, running simple XML services on my home network. It sort of “fell out” from other code when I find myself writing the same thing over and over.
BTW , there is a RubyForge project for Catault, with the latest code.
This is awesome.
George Moschovitis
This is cool, Btw i implemented this very same wiki in the latest Nitro release: Check out: examples/why_wiki
Will be improved further in the next release.
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