Utterly Ignored "Python: The RPG" #
This completely ridiculous Python: The RPG was pitched on to comp.lang.python four years ago. And the best part is: it availed no response from the crowd.
Christian Tismer Advantages: * Can accomplish the impossible by changing the meaning of truth. Mystic ability influencing the fabric of reality. * Inspired Koreans. Christian can inspire hundreds of Koreans to the Pythonic cause. This should come in handy for something.
I feel bad for Monty Python fans who stumble into that place. See look. And look! 5 x the hehe!!
Wonko the semi-successful magician
It’s an established scientific fact that Ruby programmers laugh five times more per day than Python programmers, and thirty times more than Java programmers. And unlike the mad half-a-laugh-per-week C++ crowd, it’s not all evil cackling laughs, either.
Kooper, everyone's favorite uncle with antlers
Is _why commenting on his own posts again?? He must be. I’m convinced he is!!
ds, the ds:y ds
Men moget, _why!!!! Ibland undrar man om du är tokig eller bara leker tokig. Hugs & kisses. You’ve got a weird charset thing going on in this little blog, it should be auml/adiaeresis.
ds, the ds:y ds
all right, but it looked weird in the preview.
Wonko, Iraqi dew picker extraordinaire
I resent the implication that I am _why. There are many whys in this world, but there can be only one Wonko.
I’m so glad Wonko is here. It’s an honor. I am running over to the pharmacist right now to fill a prescription. I will probably tell him all about Wonko as well. It’s a classic story.
Is this Wonko the Sane?
Aredridel, the utterly unbeknownst to Wonko
I dare say that I just about hurled my coffeecake by laughing around something Rubish. I think Wonko’s right.
Actually, there are quite a lot of wonko’s on the internet.
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