Windows Ruby? #
Tom’s Hardware is reporting that Microsoft registered a handful of domain names along with its intended Microsoft Vista domain. One of these domains is! Seriously, that can’t happen. It’ll wash the one-click installer out of the ranks. (And confuse the entire Earth.) Also note: MS has used the name before.
Oh and they also registered So it looks like Windows is going the Pokemon route. (Many coats to Andrew for sending this in!)
More to the point, could there be any future trademark issues?
Not a lawyer
A domain name isn’t a trademark, and our Ruby predates it by about 20 boy-bands’ lifetimes. I don’t think even Microsoft’s lawyers could argue that one.
In all likelihood, these were possible names for Vista, and Gates couldn’t make up his mind (“Should I sound like an old folks home or a Nintendo game?”) for a while, so they went ahead and registered them all.
Prior use hasn’t really stopped them before.
But, neither are there any signs that they are actually using Ruby as a trademark (registered or otherwise). So, yeah. Probably not a big deal, but…
Daniel Berger
So much for that plan!
Dave Burt
There’s still Longhorn Server to be named… The Register notes “Vista” isn’t that enterprisey a name. I’m betting they’re not going to name it after a cow.
“Windows [Server] Seven” or “Windows Ruby” like the .nl domain names?
If the latter, Ruby will stop meaning the programming language and start meaning a particular version of Windows.
Omitted from the list were and
yes we have big plans for the foxes. big plans.
Peter Cooper
I see no reason not for MS to continue with its professional sounding Microsoft Windows Server 200x idea. So I guess it’ll be 2007 in this case.
Interesting, I was Googling ruby the other day and turned up results in Unless I am mistaken, it looks like Microsoft is once again trying to pave over existing technology terms with something entirely their own. Like eXtreme Programming (XP) and Windows XP. In this case Ruby looks like it is used to support Asian text
Dave Burt
JH, ruby annotations are older than this W3C recommendation (31 May 2001)
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