Day Camp at Mongrel National Park #
Zed and I worked over the weekend on smoothing out the divide between Camping (the 4k web framework) and Mongrel (the slim new Ruby web server mentioned last week.) In just a few days, Mongrel has caught the scent and is totally Campnivorous. Development gems await you.
gem install mongrel camping --source
The Mongrel gem requires a build environment, there are no OSX or Windows binaries yet. You will find two examples in Mongrel’s examples/camping directory. Tepee is a dead-simple versioning wiki which requires the acts_as_versioned
Here’s the relevant handler which is executed with
, if the app is contained in the module Tepee
class CampingHandler < Mongrel::HttpHandler def initialize(klass) @klass = klass end def process(request, response) body = controller =, request.params) response.start(controller.status) do |head, out| controller.headers.each do |k, v| [*v].each do |vi| head[k] = vi end end out << controller.body end end end
You can then mount these handlers quite readily. Zed’s moving along with handsome stride, so if you’ve got a machine to build this on, do not delay.
Why does it require a build environment?
This is what RubyInline is for. None of this lameness about unsupported platforms because the author doesn’t have a compiler for it.
drbrain: RubyInline still needs a compiler last time I checked.
Someone please make a Windows version!
Tepee also requires redcloth.
Corollary: Mongrel is damn fast.
Wait, I can build one myself, right?
It wants something to define size_t on Windows. I gave it ctypes.h. I compiled with VC8 , but get a “Ruby tried to do something bad” when trying to run the simple test. sigh
Ruby’s being naaaughty. Why?
“Wait, I can build one myself, right?”
On Mac OSX with devel tools installed, I just ran and I was up and running.robert
Excellent. Will build later.
Yeah but Windows please too.
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