hoodwink.d enhanced


How to Follow Cardinal Around These Days #

by why in inspect
 svn co https://svn.perl.org/parrot/trunk parrot
 cd parrot && perl Configure.pl && make

 cd languages/cardinal && make && make test

 cd ../..
 ./parrot languages/cardinal/cardinal.pbc whatever.rb
said on 13 Aug 2006 at 14:55

VM’d Ruby? I’m away from my Linux box atm, so I can’t test it…

said on 14 Aug 2006 at 12:08

My results from make test:

Failed Test Stat Wstat Total Fail Failed List of Failed --------------------------------<br /> t/begin_end_blocks.t 2 512 2 2 100.00% 1-2<br/> t/class.t 1 256 1 1 100.00% 1<br/> t/function_calls.t 1 256 2 1 50.00% 2<br/> Failed 3/12 test scripts, 75.00% okay. 4/33 subtests failed, 87.88% okay.

$ ./parrot languages/cardinal/cardinal.pbc hivm.rb
Hello, Virtual Machiene World!

said on 14 Aug 2006 at 13:41

Yeah, it’s basically just some operators and puts and print right now. Most of the work has gone into the parser. (See: languages/cardinal/src/cardinal_rules.pg.)

said on 19 Aug 2006 at 02:57

Is this one of those virtual anthropomorphing simulators that lets you run ruby as a forked daemon process under the auspiecies of the calling proc, with MOSIX load-balancing and bluetooth connectivity and a triple-reverse-gainer point-to-point handshake? Try YARV ...it does all that and balances your check-book too, and cooks you roast beef for dinner; plus sends you a mobile alert on your cell phone when it’s ready. And it works, like 90% of the time, too. Sasada-san is all super-duper-smart and stuff!

said on 20 Aug 2006 at 20:15

It’s been a couple of years, so just a reminder – I’ve a source transformer for an old ruby C implementation (1.6?), which allowed creating a combined ruby+parrot hybrid executable. PMC ’s permitted as VALUE ’s (no GC). So rather than developing from scratch, one always had a working ruby, and could incrementally shift things onto parrot, and run rubicon. I shifted Float, and was starting on Array, but finally realized much of what parrot was then claiming to have, was not at the time actually working or existent. So that is another way one might work on the cardinal runtime. Fyi.

Note also that as soon as there is a perl6 implementation with working oo, there is likely to be a ruby on p6 shortly thereafter. It hypothetically being much easier to work in perl6 than in PIR .

11 Jul 2010 at 21:20

* do fancy stuff in your comment.