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And people say Ruby code is unmanageable. Guess we proved them wrong.
Y’know, I hate to say it _why, but I tried Markaby for a while, and I just found it to be harder to work with than erb templates.
I wanted to like Markaby, I really, really did.
It seems clear that _why hates blind people. Okay, maybe not really, but it would be nice if I could copy/paste these nifty examples. The image is pretty, but… text? Please?
Danno: I’m a bit unhappy with Markaby myself, though for me the main problem is in regard to fragments—the fact that fragments can be yanked in and out of the document stream as a side-effect of method calls is just a little too weird for my tastes.
Now that’s what I call syntax highlighting.
Well, this isn’t full-blown Markaby with fragments and method_missing. You only get methods for valid HTML tags and fragments can’t be moved around the stream. It’s much smaller than all that.
At least: too small for a stupid blind person.
snippet snap.
You know what would be nice (or maybe I just didn’t see how to do it). But, something like:
tag! :comment, ‘simple user login box’
And in your code you could have:
Markaby::Builder.set(:comments, true);
would render all comments to the client vs.
Markaby::Builder.set(:comments, false)
would hide all comments from the client browser.
This would be helpful for sanity checks on your html/css usage…
This is another example of how _why is ruining Ruby. Crayon!? WTF ?! How unacademic. Stop ruining Ruby _why!
Bil Kleb
So, what? xx_?
I smell a new tablet PC
Don’t think this is the product of a tablet PC, mixonic. We’re looking at the result mostly of colored pencils (not crayons) with the contrast cranked in Photoshop.
Danno: you know, seriously, could you elaborate on some of your specific annoyances with Markaby? Maybe we can do better for you.
Anyone interested in Markaby for XAML /MXML?
The yellow backgrounds don’t look very pencilish. I smell….ew, is that me? Time for a shower.
MenTaLguY: Not at this time, to be honest. I stopped using it a few months ago and I don’t really have the time to try using it seriously again.
Perhaps when I go back to working on my pet project, I’ll try using Markaby and give you feedback.
MenTaLguY: Not at this time, to be honest. I stopped using it a few months ago and I don’t really have the time to try using it seriously again.
Perhaps when I go back to working on my pet project, I’ll try using Markaby again and give you feedback.
Is it possible to use Markaby to write any other type of markup, or is it [X]HTML only?
Not quite sure it’s the place to ask that, but how is SuperRedCloth going? Can’t wait for hard_breaks and filter_html!
Thank you!
Alternative text, title attributes etc would be a big help. I don’t believe _Why hates blind people, or really believes they are stupid, it’s just most of his art is in a visual medium. I think it would be difficult to make the cartoons in the Poignant Guide accessible, but for code as visual art accessibility (to the code, if not the visual artistry) is possible and I’d strongly advocate it. Inaccessible websites were supposed to disappear with HTML 4 .0, weren’t they?
How many blind people write code? How many blind people read code snippets for fun? How much does it really matter? As soon as someone steps out of the box, the majority starts realing them back in. Let the poor boy draw!
roberthahn: currently XHTML only… what sort of markup are you wanting to produce?
I like Markaby, I love the concept. Just now I was thinking some way of producing .rhtml templates out of .mab files dynamically.
Yeah, probably a silly idea, but the performance hit is my only peeve with Markaby.
i dig markaby too. but moved on for various reasons namely a simultaneous invention of this post in ECMAscript…Ruby has almost been eliminated from my equation