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Got a story for us? E-mail it!
Awesome syntax highlighter. When can we expect the etch-a-sketch version to be released?
Could you please use a mono-space font next time?
Where’s the pastie?
I admire your artistry and attention to detail, and the style is refreshingly different. It is a bit tricky to enlarge this in Firefox, unlike other text on the site for which I can use the scroll wheel. Would you consider making these artworks into links to the plain text versions, please? I don’t want to cramp your style, or stifle creativity – you’ll have to continue these until you have have enough for 3 volumes [“The Art of Computer Programming” :-)]. These things (more prographs then programs, but I think that name is taken] must take a long time to do.
Dr Nic
My dad always said I should take coloured pencils into exams, just in case.
Why do you use Net::HTTP.start in the 1st instance, instead of another Hpricot( Is it the only way to do the POST call with the additional params?
But that would defeat the whole point! We are to live as scribes do.
Oh my god. Is your wonderful editor available on mac ? Or your font freely usable ? Have you ever though making a font from the divine moves of your hands ?
The editor is in your mind.
Peter Cooper
I think this is good. It reminds me of the 80s when you had to type in code from the back of magazines.
So where’s the checksum column already?
digital_me I’m reasonably certain I transcribed it correctly.
Maybe we should be careful where/when we transcribe such things—perhaps why is trying to give those of us among us who identify as human a slight headstart on those of us who are more machine…
WhyStiff… perpetually stuck in kindergarten…
A balloon of it.
More like _why: perpetually sexy! I am pleased to report that the balloon works quite well. Now I can enjoy my crazy cat videos offline!
Ben: Ha! Look beneath the surface. If someone saves your life with a Lego brick, are they in kindergarten too?
When in doubt, 303 See Other:
Oh my, a boo-boo. Apologies.
ruby keepvid.rb URL to a video ( to quit): keepvid.rb:13:in `keep_vid’: undefined method `[]’ for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError) from /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/net/http.rb:545:in `start’ from /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/net/http.rb:440:in `start’ from keepvid.rb:11:in `keep_vid’ from keepvid.rb:44 from keepvid.rb:41
What to do?